Training, Workshops, & Consultation

EMDR Consultation

Dr. Blanchette is a certified EMDR therapist and Consultant-in-Training. She provides case consultation on guidance for EMDR therapists (or non-EMDR therapists for burnout or VT).  She offers drop in groups on EMDR (coming soon!) and individual consultation. Sign up below:

Dr. Blanchette is a Certified Brain Injury Specialist. This special EMDR group consultation will include discussion of clients who have various Acquired Brain Injuries (concussion, TBI, stroke, aneurysm, dysautonomia, and more) and Neurodiverse Diagnoses which (Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD, etc.). 

Please see my links to resources for brain injury information from my blog and podcast.

Group EMDR Consultation with a focus on difficult cases, clinician fatigue, and strategies for using the 8 phase model as a tool for clinician restoration as well! The AIP model will be our guide through this clinician focused and burnout themed group. (Closed group twice monthly)

Please see my links to resources for brain injury information from my blog and podcast.

Register below to become a consultee. You may also book consultation for tough cases or consult for your role as an EMDR therapist or for general consultation here.

As a Consultant-in-training, I can provide up to 15 hours towards your hours for consultation either individually or in a group.  I can also provide 10 hours towards your basic training hours. All groups or individual consultation can be used for tough EMDR cases.


  • 5 Hour individual package= $750; unbundled=$175

  • 5 hour group package= $250; unbundled $60 per session

Consultation and Services

For Schools

Dr. Blanchette works as a school psychologist in in the state of Maine and Psypact states. She provides expert consultation on areas of threat assessment, brain injury, and burnout.(click here for a map of the active 37 states ).

Dr. Blanchette is trained in CSTAG (Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines) Levels 1 &2. Please see the University of Virginia’s website for this evidence-based approach

Dr. Blanchette (depending on availability) seeks to turn around these evaluations in 2 weeks as children may be out of school until these evaluations are completed. She will consult with your school based safety team, administrators, social work, and resource officers to create a plan. She is available for these evaluations in the state of Maine and PsyPact states (39 states listed here)

Dr. Blanchette is a Certified Brain Injury Specialist and has advanced training in concussion, TBI, and acquired brain injury. She provides consultation for aiding in recovery, return to play, and return to school activities in coordination with IEP teams.

Did you know that 64% of educators in a Maine educator survey indicate they are thinking about leaving the profession earlier than planned?

  • Educators are more stressed than ever citing reasons such as staff shortages, student mental health, and increased teachers and staff facing burnout.
  • Normalizing the stress and taking action to increase teacher autonomy, support, and resources is key.  
  • I provide trauma informed education, ongoing workshops on stress reduction, and strategies to create supportive work environments.

Speaking, Training and Workshops

Do you need a speaker at your conference or event?

Dr. Blanchette is an experienced and sought after speaker and trainer. Speaking on podcasts, concussion community sites, and conferences. She is a training consultant as well to agencies and mental health start ups.

Dr. Blanchette provides trainings and presentations on the following topics:

  • Therapy after brain injury
  • EMDR after an acquired brain injury, concussion, TBI
  • Trauma-informed care for brain injury
  • Introduction to EMDR
  • Compassion Fatigue & Vicarious Trauma
  • Burnout for Mental Health Professionals
  • Understanding Burnout for Caring Professionals
  • Trauma-informed schools
  • Returning to school after concussion, TBI, or ABI
  • TBI and Therapy
  • Polyvagal Theory and Trauma treatment